Within the world of the play, Red and Brown Water, there are a few other Orisha mentioned throughout the play, specifically Oba and Oshoosi.
The daughter of Yemoja, Oba is known by no other name but this. She is a water goddess and the patron of River Oba (in Nigeria). She is the first wife of Shango (followed by Oshun and Oyá). Because she had been there the longest, she had started to fade to the background. She wanted to receive more of Shango's love, so she asked for advice from Oshun who decided to trick her. Oshun told Oba to cut off her ear to feed to Shango, promising that it would grow back. However, it didn't, and Shango didn't give her more love; in fact, he banished her. Because of this, Oba is also known as the patron Orisha of exploited hearts, aiding those who have been betrayed and/or broken.
Below are images representing Oba as well as Beyonce's music video for "Pray You Catch Me" from her Lemonade album in which Oba is a strong influence.
Orisha of the hunt, Oshoosi's symbols are the bow and arrow as he is both a hunter and warrior, feeding all of his people. A majority of his followers were kidnapped during the Slave Trade and taken to the New World. Due to this, Oshoosi now hardly exists on his native continent. However, New World practices still worship him but had to adapt to their worship and practices in Cuban, Brazillian, and Puerto Rican environments. His abilities include seeing great distances, hearing the most minute sounds, and being able to act instantly--all which aid in his ability to hunt. Oshoosi is a loner, traveling the woods in search of game, always looking to provide for his followers. He is closest to Ogun and Obatala. In fact, Oshoosi and Obatala's relationship included Oshoosi carrying out Obatala's sentences that he handed out. This action is why the New World associates Oshoosi with jails and prisons--and why we hear about Oshoosi being put in jail for a day while at church!