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Production History

Writer: Rebecca WeaverRebecca Weaver

Ugly Lies the Bone was developed and given a stage reading at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center in Waterford, Connecticut. It was part of the Eugene O'Neill Center's National Playwrights Conference on July 9, 2014 and was directed by Gaye Taylor Upchurch. Since then, Ugly Lies the Bone has received recognition and publicity through professional productions and has seen popularity in collegiate theatre.

  • Roundabout Theatre Company (Roundabout Underground)--at the Harold and Mimi Steinburg Center for Theatre (Black Box theater) in New York City on October 13, 2015.

    • Directed by Patricia McGregor.

    • World premiere!

    • "Ugly Lies the Bone shows that no matter how much life may ask us to endure, what truly matters is finding the strength to survive—and to heal."

    • "A bracing drama that confronts an achingly topical issue with hardheaded honesty and admirable compassion. Lindsey Ferrentino is a brave playwright and a writer of dauntless conviction." --Charles Isherwood, The New York Times

  • Alliance Theatre (Sept. 16 - Oct. 9, 2016) at Hertz Stage.

    • Directed by Jessica Holt.

    • "What I found best about the play — and there are many things to praise — is how the audience and the character seem to come to a similar understanding of Jess’ situation together. Jess’ task of slow recovery is actually a universal one, the drearily Sisyphean sort." --Andrew Alexander, ARTSATL

    • "A haunting meditation on bravery and cowardice, love and loss, pain and healing, fantasy and reality...a deeply visceral, deeply affecting work of art...a blistering story beautifully performed by a top-notch company." --Wendell Brock, AJC

  • London's National Theatre (March 1 - June 6, 2017)

    • Directed by Indhu Rubasingham

    • Lindsey's UK debut!

    • "I loved the way the character is no poster girl for the “moving forward” philosophy that is fed to her by the bright, soothing voice of the scientist... For me, it's the quality of the writing that earns Ugly Lies the Bone this happy opportunity to be seen by a wider public." --Paul Taylor, INDEPENDENT

  • University of Colorado--Colorado Springs (Nov. 15-23, 2019)

    • Partnered with HomeFront Theatre Project (founded and ran by Max Shulman) that aims to find cross over between theatre, veterans, and our armed forces in order to showcase stories from this community.

    • “What makes it a really good play is it’s not just about veterans’ issues. It’s about those moments of absence and loss we’ve all experienced where we can’t see a way out of it." Max Shulman (quoted by Amanda Hancock), The Gazette

  • University of Montevallo (Oct. 6-9, 2022) at the Sue Meadows Black Box Theater.

    • Directed by Bart Pitchford


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