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What is Virtual Reality?

Writer: Rebecca WeaverRebecca Weaver

The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.

We know the world through our senses and perception systems. We know about taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing; these are, however, only our most obvious sense organs. We have other sensory inputs (such as our sense of balance) and some special processing of sensory information by our brains ensures which that we have a rich flow of information from the environment to our minds.

Our entire experience of reality is simply a combination of sensory information and our brains sense-making mechanisms for that information. It stands to reason then, that if you can present your senses with made-up information, your perception of reality would also change in response to it. You would be presented with a version of reality that isn’t really there, but from your perspective it would be perceived as real--virtual reality.

In the world of Virtual Reality, however, if anything is even a little off we can usually tell. This is where you’ll hear terms such as immersiveness and realism enter the conversation. Virtual reality technology needs to take our physiology into account. For example, the human visual field does not look like a video frame. We have (more or less) 180 degrees of vision and although you are not always consciously aware of your peripheral vision, if it were gone you’d notice. If an implementation of virtual reality manages to get the combination of hardware, software and sensory synchronicity just right it achieves something known as a sense of presence. Where the subject really feels like they are present in that environment.


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