Below is an infograph of information about the deity Elegba. There is a brief summary of his place with the pantheon and Yoruba religion, notes on his personality, life, and Catholic counterpart, a prayer to invoke Elegba, elements associated with him, as well as different paths he has lived in his many reincarnations (the ones that I believe have some influence on the character in Red & Brown Water).
Below the infograph is an connection of each of the paths listed here as they relate to the world of the play.

Esu Laroye--In Red & Brown Water, we see Elegba grow up from little boy to grown man. This path illuminates that younger version of Elegba, playing around, pranking people, and being hyper.
Esu Aina/Bara Aina--in this path, we see Elegba's relationship to Shango. In particular, this expands our understanding of why Elegba is the one to tell Oyá that Shango has returned from battle.
Esu Ashikuelu--this particular path highlights the scene where we see Elegba run up on Oyá's porch as he is running from O Li Roon, having stolen a piece of candy. His connection to negotiation (especially regarding money) is heavily influencial on Elegba's dialogue in this scene.
Esu Lagu'na--His connection to Egungun is seen a bit through Red & Brown Water, especially during the party scene as well as how Elegba seems to be in communication with death and life throughout, the only one who is capable of prophecy.
Esu Beleke--This path is especially strong in Red & Brown Water because we see him interacting with every single character; he is weaved throughout everything happening, everyone's issues/blessings.