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Below is an infograph of information about the deity Shango (Sango/Chango). There is a brief summary of his place with the pantheon and Yoruba religion, notes on his personality, life, and Catholic counterpart, a prayer to invoke Shango, elements associated with him, as well as different paths he has lived in his many reincarnations (the ones that I believe have some influence on the character in Red & Brown Water).

Below the infograph is an connection of each of the paths listed here as they relate to the world of the play.

Shango Arira -- in this path, Shango is known as a deity who brings peace, especially in times of rain. As we know, Oyá is the orisha of storms, so this path connects Shango to Oyá--perhaps denoting that Shango brings Oyá peace (in the world of the play).

Shango Olose -- this path speaks to how we see Shango in the world of the play--as a warrior (soldier) who is strong and taken seriously by those around him.

Shango Obalube -- this path is important because it is where he is said to have met Oyá and depicts the power that Shango holds in this world.


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