Other Forms of Resources
Below are links to other sources that you can also contribute to! You'll find a link to a Tumblr page and a Spotify playlist. If you'd like to be added as a contributor to either or both of these resources, please reach out to me!
Triad of Macbeth--Tumblr
This Tumblr is here as a source for everyone to share images, art, articles, etc. with everyone as we go through the production process.
Sounds Like Macbeth--Spotify
This Spotify playlist is a source for everyone to contribute to throughout the production process to aid in the auditory aspects of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in being added as a contributor.

About Macbeth at UIowa
This website is the Dramaturgical Actor's Packet for the University of Iowa's production of Shakespeare's Macbeth, directed by Mary Mayo. The goal here is to provide a comprehensive guide to the play's characters, themes, and historical context, as well as practical advice for actors and the entire creative team. Hopefully, this packet will serve as a valuable resource for anyone and everyone involved in this production.

Get in Touch
We'll get back to you as soon as possible.