Relevant Essays
Here are some essays that expand on certain themes and topics within Macbeth.
"If we are to isolate a dominant theme in the play, it must be one of idea: that through the working out of evil in a harmonious world order good must emerge."

"There are two representative critical views of Lady Macbeth, both of which tend to depreciate the complexity of her character. The first dismisses her as less interesting than her husband...; the stereotyping of Lady Macbeth as the domineering female who screws the courage of her husband to the sticking place by verbal assiduity."
"From its opening Macbeth confronts its audience with an eno question. Do you believe in magic? Do you have faith magic? Do you believe in witches and witchcraft? This i that sets itself in motion as a spell. It creates a world that is agitate and antagonise, unsettle and disturb. This is a universe where the abnormal is the norm..."

"What presents itself here is a conflation of sex roles and of gender, and a demonstration that human beings are by nature sexua beings. When men and women step outside these sex and gender roles, they lose their humanity. Their liberation from definition destroys them..."